Hyperbaric Center Near You
Simply call or email our offices and request a provider name, clinic or hyperbaric therapy center near you. You will need to provide the city, address and state of the desired location. We will do our best to find a center near you.
Phone :877.IHA.USA1 (1.877.442.8721)
Email :coordinator@ihausa.org
Member Services
General member request, referrals, forms, center listing, address changes, membership status.
Phone :877.IHA.USA1 (1.877.442.8721)
Email :membershipservices@ihausa.org
General information :info@ihausa.org
Referrals :hyperbarics@ihausa.org
Public Relations
Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features.
Phone :877.IHA.USA1 (1.877.442.8721)
Email :info@ihausa.org
Fax :608.848.9055
Study Department
Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features.
Email only :studies@ihausa.org
Address :33 Woodcroft Circle,
Madison, WI. 53719
General Number :877.IHA.USA1 (1.877.442.8721)
Needs Assessment Committee
Financial Aid Requests for patients, forms, loan and grant processing.
Email only :financialaid.nac@ihausa.org
Message Only :877.IHA.USA1 (1.877.442.8721)
Design and marketing for member's hyperbaric corporate or clinic literature needs.
Email only :graphics@ihausa.org
Address :33 Woodcroft Circle,
Madison, WI. 53719